Marilyn Monroe Towers

Absolute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

Buildings with curves.. For this reason these two condominium towers have been called the Marilyn Monroe buildings. A unique work of architecture that stands out higher up on the Mississauga skyline no matter where you view it from the lake. If maintained properly, they should remain timeless and fit into any era or century. A lot like the timeless modern architectural classics found nearby in Toronto: Toronto City Hall and The CN Tower.

Marilyn Monroe Towers - Abloslute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

Marilyn Monroe Towers - Abloslute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

Close-up of Marilyn Monroe Tower - Abloslute Condo Building in Mississauga

Marilyn Monroe Towers - Abloslute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

View of Marilyn Monroe Towers - Abloslute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

Creative view of Marilyn Monroe Towers - Abloslute Condo Buildings in Mississauga

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