Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Legal Disclaimer

Below are the privacy terms, terms of use and legal notice, disclaimer when viewing my website and all the free photo and video content including the third party sponsors and advertisements.

Privacy Issues deals with companies that are established and have been doing business on the Internet for many years. Any personal information collected by companies associated with will be held confidential by these companies and not distributed to any third party or parties.

Advertising Revenue earns revenue from advertising that appears on this site in the form of banners and text ads. This revenue is necessary to keep this website online, running and to keep the photos and photo albums that appear on this website FREE for all users. Revenue may be earned from Google ads. Revenue may or may not be earned from Amazon ads.

Terms of Service

All content on this website, either created by or by guests, is fully protected by copyright law although webmasters and website visitors can use any of my photos. - see Webmaster Use of Photos Page for terms of use. Sharing of website url's of photos and videos on social media websites and as regular website content is fine.

Additional Terms of Service

By accessing this website and any of its content and programs, you agree to the privacy terms, legal notice and disclaimer and the terms of service as stated above. copyright logo, image